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2019 Young Writers Award- Part 3

Young Writers

Each year we choose three Young Writers who have written exceptional pieces of writing during the academic year.

The third Outstanding Young Writer Award goes to Aydan Wong!

Aydan Wong is a creative grade three student with endless ideas and boundless imagination. Here is a fairy tale Aydan wrote at the beginning of the academic year.

Moo and the Chicken from Mars

by Aydan Wong

A long, long time ago, there were some chickens who lived on Mars. They were evil and wicked. They also had green feathers. They had a special power—flying in space. They were once friendly chickens, but when they visited Earth, one of them walked into a fire. After that, they though Earth was an evil, chicken killing machine, and they started creating a magic to destroy Earth.

A cow who was an astronomer, Moo, was observing Mars with his high-detail telescope. He saw some strange chickens building a magic ray that was portable. He called his friend, who was also a chicken (but a normal one), who worked in a bottle factory to help with his mission to stop the chickens. He agreed to help them.

He said, “I have a lot of bottle-type weapons. Come and get them anytime you like.” At Moo’s friend’s home, Moo picked up some bottles for later use.

A few days later, Moo observed Mars again. He saw that they had finished their death ray and gave it to their friend, Santa Claws. He was a human who became crazy and joined the chickens in a Santa Claus costume on Christmas. He was like the real Santa Claus, only with red eyes.

Just then, Moo remembered that today was Christmas Eve.

“No wonder they are sending him to Earth today,” he said to himself. “This is my chance.”

He drank some power juice and waited. Suddenly, Santa Claws crashed through his window and said in a robot voice, “YOU WILL GET DESTROYED!” He then took out a magic ray and started charging it up. Still in his robot voice, he said, “WHOOPS, I SHOULD HAVE CHARGED IT BEFORE.” It finished charging and started shooting out colourful and deadly rays everywhere.

Moo dodged a lot of them and threw a bottle at him. It broke the magic ray. Santa Claws sensed something was wrong, so he punched Moo in the stomach. Moo didn’t let a punch get him down though. With his new power, Moo grabbed Santa Claws’ wrist and threw him back to where he came from. Santa Claws flew through space then landed on Mars, only to find hundreds of shocked chickens staring at him. One said, “This isn’t real!”

“Hey, we underestimated them!” said another. They all agreed that Earth was invincible, and they flew to a faraway planet never to be known again. At last, Earth was at peace!



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